Friday, October 28, 2016

CISO Mindmap - Business Enablement

While doing some research about CISO function, noticed a very good MindMap created by Rafeeq Rehman.

While what he has come up with is mindmap, I will try to deconstruct this mindmap to elaborate more about the various functions performed by CISO.

Let's begin:
  1. Business Enablement
  2. Security Operations
  3. Selling Infosec (internally)
  4. Compliance and Audit
  5. Security Architecture
  6. Project Delivery lifecycle
  7. Risk Management
  8. Governance
  9. Identity Management
  10. Budget
  11. HR and Legal 
So why I numbered them and in the order? 

I believe Business Enablement is the most important function of a CISO. If (s)he doesn't know the business where (s)he operates, it will be a very difficult job to continue his duties as CISO. Consider a person coming from a technology background with no knowledge of Retail Business. If that person is hired as a CISO because (s)he knows the technology, that may not be a good deal. The only reason to become a successful CISO, one must know which business he is involved in. To understand the security function, he must understand the business climate.

If this retail business has a requirement of storing credit card information into their systems, CISO's job is to make sure appropriate PCI-DSS controls are in place so the data doesn't get into the wrong hands. While at the same time, making sure that PCI-DSS is not coming into the way of enabling the business to accept credit cards transactions. Yes, security is a requirement but not at the cost of not doing business.

That's why I rate business enablement as a very important function as a CISO.

What are some of the way CISO can enable business to adopt technology and still not come in their way?
  • Cloud Computing
  • Mobile technologies
  • Internet of things
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Crypto currencies / Blockchain
  • Mergers and Acquisitions

We will review each of these items in details in the following blog posts.